3rd Oct.
Quebbeman, J. A., and J. A. Ramirez (2016). Optimal allocation of leaf-level nitrogen: Implications for covariation of Vcmax and Jcmax and photosynthetic downregulation. J. Geophys. Res. Bio-geosci., 121, 2464–2475.
this paper presented a new approach to determine Vcmax and Jmax based on the assumption that a limited amount of leaf nitrogen is allocated optimally among the various components of the photosynthetic system in such a way that expected carbon assimilation is maximized.
This optimal allocation approach provided a mechanism to describe the response of leaf-level photosynthetic capacity to varying environmental and resource supply conditions that can be incorporated into terrestrial biosphere models providing improved estimates of carbon and water fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum.

it is my first time to read paper related to plant photosynthesis mechanism at leaf level. although equations inside are not easy to understand, I will do it step by step~