2nd. March
Sellers P J. Canopy reflectance, photosynthesis and transpiration[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1985, 6(8): 1335-1372.
Very long paper and difficult for a student with geography background to understand complicated leaf models.
But I will try my best!
A two-stream approximation model of radiative transfer is used 10 calculate values of hemispheric canopy reflectance in the visible and near-infrared wavelength intervals. Simple leaf models of photosynthesis and stomatal resistance' are integrated over leaf orientation and canopy depth to obtain estimates of canopy photosynthesis and bulk stomatal or canopy resistance.The ratio of near-infrared and visible reflectances is predicted to be a near linear indicator of minimum canopy resistance and photosynthetic capacity but a poor predictor of leaf area index or biomass.